
Variety SA - The Children’s Charity
This commitment involves ongoing participation in Variety South Australia events, such as the annual 'Bash' and '4WD Challenge', the Variety Vintage and raising money via part proceeds on the sale of every bottle going to Variety SA
Tim Adams Wines has been a dedicated sponsor of Variety since 2001, raising much needed money through its event participation, event sponsorship and general involvement. In 2013 Tim Adams Wines was awarded the Variety International Corporate Award at the Las Vegas presentations, in recognition of the contribution of over $1 million to assist children in need in South Australia.
In 2016 Tim and Pam were provided with Variety life memberships for their and the business's outstanding contribution to the children’s charity. “There is no single moment of participation with any aspect of my involvement which hasn’t been both fulfilling and pleasurable at the same time. Pam and I are deeply humbled and overjoyed.” Tim said at the presentation in November 2016.
Variety SA, is one of the most accredited chapters of the charity worldwide, received an international 'Gold Heart' in 2015. This is assessed on the amount of money raised in a year, the spirit of the tent (the term used by Variety for its chapters), the impact on the children of their community, the efficiency of operations and fundraising and participation in Variety's significant events.
If you are passionate about helping kids in need like we are, head to the Variety SA website and make a donation. See some of the fantastic work that your contribution can assist Variety to continue doing! and click on the 'Donate' tab, leave reference "VARIETY/TAW" in the comments field.